Both Inside
Out Helsinki founders, Emilie McDermott and Hanna Råst, are dancers. It was
therefore natural for us to cover such a unique must go-to dance institution as
Zodiak.The special
thing about Zodiak is that it is an “umbrella-venue” for the freelance
contemporary dance, dance makers AND also for the audience. At Zodiak’s core
is the belief that art should come first; artists are still very much involved
in the decision-making process and the shaping of the Center’s activities. Once
a choreographer/production is selected in Zodiak’s performance program, they
have full trust in the artistic team, and do their best to help them create
their work.
=> Good to know: in addition
to co-producing new contemporary dance works, Zodiak also organizes several
dance courses per season. They are mostly open for anyone who wants to
participate (no need to have a dance background).
Zodiak is a
vital part of Helsinki's contemporary art scene, which in itself is very active
and lively at the moment. There are a lot of artists who move fluently between
different art forms, and by doing so, cause the art forms (dance, theatre,
visual arts, music) to evolve and take new forms.
Image above is shot from the rehearsal for the show Divine - New Age musical by Go Go tanssiryhmä Kuumat Putket which is coming on December 2015.
Image of the braids and the wide view below are from a new show Epic Failing by Maija Hirvanen which has it's premiere on Wednesday 11th of November.

In 1997,
Zodiak Presents entered a new era by reinventing itself as the Zodiak – Center
for New Dance, now with the mission of becoming a broader, more inclusive forum
for both the dance profession and the general public. Zodiak – Center for New
Dance premiered its first production at the Helsinki Cable Factory in February
1997. The Centre inherited its artist-led philosophy and independent production
model from Zodiak Presents.

Helsinki’s dance scene is fairly active: most of the Finnish contemporary dance scene takes place in the Helsinki area. Helsinki is definitely the place to be, if you’re a dancer living or coming to Finland.
=> Zodiak is one of the few places in Helsinki where you can see dance, and only
dance, throughout the year.

Further information
Zodiak stage entrance is through glass doors marked with the letter V. Doors open one hour before each performance. While waiting for the performance, the audience is invited to read culture magazines provided by Kultti ry and to enjoy the Zodiak Cafe. Buy tickets in advance!
Zodiak office is located at staircase B, 1 1/2 floor. Office is normally open between 11 am and 4 pm. Contact info of our staff can be found by scrolling down this page.
Tel. +358 (0)9 694 4948
Fax. +358 (0)9 562 5805
Postal address:
Tallberginkatu 1 B/154
FIN-00180 Helsinki
Full program and more info: www.zodiak.fi
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