Uutela is a nature park in Vuosaari, Helsinki. Even though it's surrounded by the sea on three sides, Uutela offers a variety of views and sites from shores to thick forests. The easiest way to get there is to take the subway to Vuosaari station and then either walk or take the bus 90K.
On your way to the nature site, you pass Aurinkolahti's beach and small, idyllic marina where people keep their boats. Just near the entrance to the nature park dwells café Kampela, which offers you fish soup and baked goods. When entering Uutela's nature park area you will walk along an about 4 kilometres long trail that encircles the whole area. Along the way, you will find diverse vegetation and landscapes such as forests of different variety, cliffs, shores and meadows.
Uutela is large enough to contain the Skatta farm – one of several farms within the boundaries of Helsinki. Due to these facts, it does not come as a surprise that Uutela is popular among hikers and outdoorsy people thanks to it's rich and variable landscape. One could even say that it offers the city dwellers a getaway with easy reachability when one is in the mood for a little break from the city.

Uutela is an around the year place to visit and we warmly recommend that you visit it during all the four seasons!
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